Protect Your iPod (dead or alive)


CompUSA sells iPod warrantys for $30 for 2 years! They forgot to explain what it covers but it's longer than 90 days. I just had to bring in my iPod and my receipt and my iPod. I didn't have to by the iPod from there either.

And....Since i went on a sunday afternoon, the sales person wasn't one of the main people (most stores have kids or not as bright people working on nights and weekends). Well they looked at the back of my iPod for the serial number but never actually tried it to see if it worked. If i had a dead iPod they would not have known and sold me the warranty anyways. Then i could come back a few days later and say it was dead and they'd replace it.

Gotta try that some day...of course, that would involve killing my dear iPod and having to live without music for a few days...I wouldn't survive
Do they ask for proof of purchase? Like could I buy one at the Apple Store and then go to CompUSA and buy their warranty for $30?
Yes and Yes. I bought mine at a small apple certified store and then took my iPod and receipt into CompUSA. They didn't care that I did not buy it from them. But they did need to see my receipt from the other store.

Basically "what it covers" is it is a one-time replacement. Because it has the 5GB Hard Drive it is considered a Mass Storage device. The way I understand it is that there is no repair, just a one-time replacement.
I've also heard rumors that if you take your broken out-of-warranty iPod to an Apple Store they will repair it free of charge, essentially (unofficially) extending the warranty to one year.
If that really is the price, which I can hardly believe then it is an incredible price. I got the 99$ protection on my palm m500 for 2 years and it was the best investment I made. It stopped syncing with my mac so I brought it in and they gave me a new shrink wrapped box. It also covered me sitting on the screen or anything short of loss or theft so it was well worth it.
I thinkt that the rumor about the apple store has to do with the fact that the firewire connector appears to have a tendency to come loose.

This keeps the iPod from syncing or from charging. I don't think that the Apple Store will repair anything else on the iPod.

I agree that the CompUSA warranty seems especially good. :D