psync doesn't work!


i have already installed psync on my mac, i can use psyncx an carbon copy cloner with synchronizing volumes, thats no problem. but when i want to start a psync prozess by typing in the terminal
sudo psync / /Volumes/target
it says, the command psync was not found.

i also can't look the manual pages...

whats wrong?
Is psync in your path? If not, you will have to call it by its actual path. (Here it's /usr/local/bin/psync.)

It sounds like you are a victim of Apple's new tcsh default behavior. To fix it (i.e. return to the usable 10.1.x defaults), do this:
sudo -s
echo "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/rc" >> /etc/csh.cshrc
echo "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/login" >> /etc/csh.login
echo "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/logout" >> /etc/csh.logout
thanks for your answer.
now when i open a new terminal window i get the following messages:

/usr/share/tcsh/examples/rc: Permission denied.
/usr/share/tcsh/examples/login: Permission denied.

psync doesn't run by typing commands in the terminal...
When you entered the commands to fix tcsh, did you enter them exacly as stated above?

The behavior you are reporting would indicate that you did something like this:
echo "/usr/share/tcsh/examples/rc" >> /etc/csh.cshrc

If so, you will have to do:
cd /etc
sudo pico csh.cshrc
sudo pico csh.login
sudo pico csh.logout
Remove the last offending line at the end of each file:

Then, do issue the commands previously posted exactly as they are shown. (The souce part is vital to the command working properly.)

Reload your .*shrc file with either one of these two commands (whichever is appropriate to your configuration):
source ~/.cshrc
source ~/.tcshrc

Psync should be accessible again to you, as should the man pages.
uuuuh, all right. i have missunterstood your posting.
how can i decrease my mistake ?

thanks for your support...