Pulling Music Libraries Together


This may be drop dead easy but I am not sure.

Over the years, I've changed laptops and various hard drives and I now have several iTunes libraries scattered about. You would think that I would have pulled the old on to the new and then just extended the new library. I have created a complete index of all the paths of all the hard drives that I can find around my house and I've discovered that no single iTunes library has all of my music.

Utopia would be to buy a new drive and put a new empty iTunes library on it. Then point iTunes to each of the different old libraries and have it pull those files into the new library. I know it can roughly do that but what is it going to do with all the duplicates? Will it eliminate the duplicates or is there a fairly easy way for me to do that after the fact? I know I can find duplicates but I don't want to delete each of them by hand.

Does anyone have a suggestion to minimize the pain of doing this?

Thank you,
I have pulled all my music together and used dupin to remove duplicates. iTunes has more nasty twists and turns than an old logging trail. geeze. Anyhow, dupin gets a thumbs up.