Putting Tiger on Xbox 360 the best (maybe) possible mac desktop???


Well the specs are out for the next-gen xbox. But here's the interesting thing, there's three powerpc's at 3.2 ghz!! Which means this december if and when it's out somebody is going to hack it to run Tiger. But my question to anybody running Tiger now(me included). Will you buy it for a cheap mac desktop and powerful? It the powerpc has reached beyond 3.2ghz, Jobs and company were hiding this....But micro$oft and IBM together?? I also ask the question what is going on here???? But really if there is three powerpc's chips then Tiger should be able to run with a mod chip or something, yes it's risky, but hey if it runs Tiger natively then, hey! I'm in, anyways, any developer's think this is possible to run mac os x on three processor's? Thanks for your time. :)
It's not a G5. And Apple could still announce the passing, finally, of the 3.0 marks at the same release time.

Don't get confused by the numbers game, the new XBox is a world apart from PowerMacs.
ok thanks for clearing that up, because all of the news reports i've been reading have been saying it's going to have powerpc processors but they weren't specific on it being a G5 or not.
It's still a PowerPC with VMX(altivec) extensions but it's a custom made CPU so it's not likely that Tiger would run on it at all. The architecture is way different and it probably relies on some type of PC BIOS type software on the low end which the Mac OS wouldn't know how to talk to.

I wonder how different these PPC chips really are though because Microsoft is using Macs to develop games for the XBox.

I'm also betting that MS is using a port of DirectX which the Mac will never see ported to OS X.
Powermacs were used as part of the development kit for the Xbox 360, that is as far as the actual machine goes into relation with the XBox.

Where did they show the specs? Link? Not denying your post, just interested.
Errrm… :confused: now I'm not the most technically expert person ever to have used a computer, but wouldn't OS X on an Xbox kinda defeat the object? You wouldn't be able to play Xbox games on your Xbox if it was running OS X! And games for the Mac are usually 3–9 months behind the rest of the gaming world – trust me, as a member of a gaming clan, in which I am the only Mac player, I know these things!
I'm sure any chip MS is using is optimized for gaming. That is to say, it's not the kind of chip you'd see in a desktop PC. It's probably more specialized, and thus smaller and lighter, hence the higher clock speed.

I know MS pretty much used a regular desktop CPU in the original Xbox, but that was the exception. They did that to make it as close to a Windows PC as possible, to attract Windows developers. That's not an issue anymore. Somehow I doubt they're interested in courting Mac game developers, since...well, there are, what, two of 'em?

I'd also like to see where these specs were posted (the link from the link Burns posted is dead). Personally, I'm a bit skeptical.
It's not a 3 core chip, it's 3 CPUs. My guess is one could run the physics engine, one could run the UI/sound and the other could be the logic.
if i remember right, modding the consoles gives u the option to boot into either the native OS (console games), or the one you add on (linux, Windoze, etc). I personally would laugh my butt off if it WERE possible to install OS X onto a microsuck console machine. I'm sure they wouldn't mind, since we'd still have to buy the boxes.

EDIT: im not a developer, nor do i know anything about consoles ;) so sorry if it is wrong info
Lt Major Burns said:
having read them though, they look like the "specs" for the powerbook G5... i.e. made-up, figures pulled out of the air IMO

i take it back... seems they were true.

delsoljb32 said:
if i remember right, modding the consoles gives u the option to boot into either the native OS (console games), or the one you add on (linux, Windoze, etc). I personally would laugh my butt off if it WERE possible to install OS X onto a microsuck console machine. I'm sure they wouldn't mind, since we'd still have to buy the boxes.

you can already install panther onto an X-Box - it's been done, google it.
Lt Major Burns said:
you can already install panther onto an X-Box - it's been done, google it.

But that's not natively, it's running through PearPC or one of those emulators which is dog slow.