Hey. I'm on a dual g4 800 1.1gb ram geforce 3 running 10.1 (of course). When I play UT (the Urban Terror mod not that *bletch* OTHER fps game) I have my rez set to 800x600 with maxed out everything except for lightmap and stuff like wall marks and brass falling. My com_maxfps is set to 85 because that seems to be as high as q3 can tell my monitor to go (85 hz) at 800x600. Oh well. my s_mixahead is .1 and chunksize is 2048. Obviously I have a powerful setup so WHY THE HELL am I sometimes dipping down to as low as 30 fps?????? why would I EVER dip below 130 fps on 1024x 768!!?? something is still funky mb with the gf3 drivers. If you have any tips for speeding this up... i'd appreciate them.