

Well, finally ID gives us this. hehe In case any of you want to run this. I am going to post one of the ways to do this.

Note- I have Quake3 installed in
you will have to change any paths to your quake install. Default it

1. cd /Applications/Games/Quake3

2. pico q3macserv

3. type the following in (or copy & paste):


# $RCSfile: q3macserv,v $
# $Revision: 1.0 $
# $Author: Moodog (Rich) richn@xgraphics.com (edited from bens go)$
# $Date: 2001/10/07 18:16:56 $


DATE=`date +"%m-%d-%Y %T"`


while [ 1 ]; do
/Applications/Games/Quake3/Q3DedicatedServer -RetailInstallationPath /Applications/Games/Quake3/ +set net_port $PORT +set dedicated $DEDICATED +set g_gametype $GAMETYPE +set sv_maxclients $MAXCLIENTS +set com_hunkmegs $MEM +set fs_game $GAME +sets gamestartup \"$DATE\" +exec $CFG
echo "Hit ctrl-c NOW or wait 5 seconds for automatic server restart"
sleep 5

3. Then hold down the control key and hit o (ctrl+o)

4. Hit the Return key to save

5. Then hit control + x to exit pico

6. type chmod a+x q3macserv

7. If you type ./q3macserv your server will run :)

This is great if you want to attach your dedicated server to "screen" so you can close the window.

Remember you will need to create a server.cfg file for this to work properly.

Unfortunatly when you have a console running and you type quit.. this little launcher program should restart the server in 5 secondsunless you hit ctrl+c but for some reason q3 is not letting the program finish. ***sigh** it works in FreeBSD and Linux but not Mac :( Well good luck.
cool, unless you dont have it installed you wont need the cd :)

There are lots of things to configure. Hit me back if you need any.
Ill post a server.cfg file up just to support my example. THis lil program WILL support MODS too, you just need to change GAME=[mod dir] and so on.

ok, ill do a sample server.cfg right now and post. :)
I currently don't have it installed...
I gave my CD to my freind about 2 months ago and never got it back. :)
You will need to put two files in your baseq3 directory.

1. server.cfg - you should be able to open this with "Textedit"

Theres lots of stuff that you can set up in there.

2. I have a auto maprotation.cfg. So no matter what gametype you use it will run threw the maps for that gametype. The server config calls for this file also.

This should be plenty to get you started. :)

i made this by default to have 3 bots. Its all in the .cfg


I put a copy of q3macserv there also (you will need to update the path if its not the same as mine. You will still need to go to the directory in terminal to chmod a+x before it ill run.

Also if you use my example file "macq3serv" That needs to go into your quake3 dir, not into your baseq3 with the others... I dont think i can get much clearer then this... hehe