Well, finally ID gives us this. hehe In case any of you want to run this. I am going to post one of the ways to do this.
Note- I have Quake3 installed in
you will have to change any paths to your quake install. Default it
1. cd /Applications/Games/Quake3
2. pico q3macserv
3. type the following in (or copy & paste):
# $RCSfile: q3macserv,v $
# $Revision: 1.0 $
# $Author: Moodog (Rich) richn@xgraphics.com (edited from bens go)$
# $Date: 2001/10/07 18:16:56 $
DATE=`date +"%m-%d-%Y %T"`
while [ 1 ]; do
/Applications/Games/Quake3/Q3DedicatedServer -RetailInstallationPath /Applications/Games/Quake3/ +set net_port $PORT +set dedicated $DEDICATED +set g_gametype $GAMETYPE +set sv_maxclients $MAXCLIENTS +set com_hunkmegs $MEM +set fs_game $GAME +sets gamestartup \"$DATE\" +exec $CFG
echo "Hit ctrl-c NOW or wait 5 seconds for automatic server restart"
sleep 5
3. Then hold down the control key and hit o (ctrl+o)
4. Hit the Return key to save
5. Then hit control + x to exit pico
6. type chmod a+x q3macserv
7. If you type ./q3macserv your server will run
This is great if you want to attach your dedicated server to "screen" so you can close the window.
Remember you will need to create a server.cfg file for this to work properly.
Unfortunatly when you have a console running and you type quit.. this little launcher program should restart the server in 5 secondsunless you hit ctrl+c but for some reason q3 is not letting the program finish. ***sigh** it works in FreeBSD and Linux but not Mac
Well good luck.
Note- I have Quake3 installed in
you will have to change any paths to your quake install. Default it
1. cd /Applications/Games/Quake3
2. pico q3macserv
3. type the following in (or copy & paste):
# $RCSfile: q3macserv,v $
# $Revision: 1.0 $
# $Author: Moodog (Rich) richn@xgraphics.com (edited from bens go)$
# $Date: 2001/10/07 18:16:56 $
DATE=`date +"%m-%d-%Y %T"`
while [ 1 ]; do
/Applications/Games/Quake3/Q3DedicatedServer -RetailInstallationPath /Applications/Games/Quake3/ +set net_port $PORT +set dedicated $DEDICATED +set g_gametype $GAMETYPE +set sv_maxclients $MAXCLIENTS +set com_hunkmegs $MEM +set fs_game $GAME +sets gamestartup \"$DATE\" +exec $CFG
echo "Hit ctrl-c NOW or wait 5 seconds for automatic server restart"
sleep 5
3. Then hold down the control key and hit o (ctrl+o)
4. Hit the Return key to save
5. Then hit control + x to exit pico
6. type chmod a+x q3macserv
7. If you type ./q3macserv your server will run

This is great if you want to attach your dedicated server to "screen" so you can close the window.
Remember you will need to create a server.cfg file for this to work properly.
Unfortunatly when you have a console running and you type quit.. this little launcher program should restart the server in 5 secondsunless you hit ctrl+c but for some reason q3 is not letting the program finish. ***sigh** it works in FreeBSD and Linux but not Mac