QS G4 with sound problem - viable solutions?


It looks like the sound output jack on the back of my Quicksilver is hooped. If I plug speakers or headphones in all-the-way, only the left speaker works. If I pull the plug out a little bit, only the right speaker works.

Any ideas on how this can be fixed? Will it be expensive to fix? Are there 3rd party sound cards that might be better/cheaper than a repair bill?

Can a PCI Soundblaster Live from a PC be used somehow?

Supposedly from 10.2.3 or 10.2.4 and above, if my memory serves me well, OS X supports the Live! cards. While not a full support they may work just fine. If you can try before you buy, give it a shot!

Anyway, I would buy the Revolution card which is a native Mac solution and not only! Not to mention that is a bargain for the things it offers :D

More info here:

Last, before actually buying anything put the mini jack back in the "damaged" port of your Mac and try to play with by inserting/ejecting the mini jack slowly and doing little circular motions at the same time... You may find the G-spot :)p) of your Mac's port and actually this may save you from buying anything ;)
Yeah, I was going to suggest you fiddle with it a little bit, maybe smack it a little... although after Hulk's post, that starts to sound sexual. :p
Yeah, I was going to suggest you fiddle with it a little bit, maybe smack it a little... although after Hulk's post, that starts to sound sexual. :p