QS Won't start with USB Hub??


:confused: This is kind of weird. When I first got my QS, everything worked perfect with all the devices attached. Just the other day I could not boot into OS 9 or even OSX, all I got was a grey screen and none of the keyboard functions worked. So I decided on unplugging one device at a time and it worked perfect after I had unplugged the 4-Port Key-Span USB Hub(Little black one). The Hub was plugged into one of the USB ports in the 15" Apple Display. I tried plugging the Hub directly into a USB port in the computer but it does the exact same thing. The hub has its own power supply and it is switched on.....I dont get it. Has anyone experienced anything like this befour? I'd really appretiate any of your ideas. :)
Universal Serial Bus Peripherals
Not always Mac compatible
USB Compatibility Article

From another forum
It seems to be hit-or-miss when debugging USB problems...
hopefully you get lucky and find the right combo of hardware
and configuration which works for your situation. I was
using a Keyspan 4-port hub (highly recommended )with my 400Mhz iMac DV SE. Several times a week I had to unplug/plug the hub from USB port 1 because everything attached to the hub would disappear (whether the hub was self-powered or bus-powered).
After updating drivers, rebuilding the desktop, zapping the
PRAM, and trashing Finder prefs, the thing which cured the
dropped hub was simply switching the hub to USB port 0 and
plugging the keyboard/mouse into USB port 1. No more
dropped devices.....go figure.