QT in Panther


Mac addict since 1993
Does the new version of QuickTime have any new features/codecs worth mentioning? Did Apple finally get their sh** together and include proper MPEG4, DiVX etc. codecs so we won't have to use any third party software (not that I don't like VLC or mPlayer, but I'd like to see the average layman being able to open all their video/movie files without any hassle), or do they continue on ignoring widespread formats?
Some formats are proprietary, and Apple isn't going to include them for legal reasons, like WM files and Real files.
DivX isn't exactly a codec that Apple would like to include. There isn't much 'real-world' use for it. Or have you ever seen a DivX that wasn't an illegally copied copy-righted movie?
'Proper' MPEG-4 support is (and has been) in QT, though.
Just because DivX is widespread, doesn't mean it is done correctly. DivX commonly resides in AVI containers, which cannot actually hold VBR audio or even stream correctly. However, these developers have hacked the AVI format to allow it to do that... which breaks the specs. Since Apple is big on following specs, they will not stoop to supporting these broken AVI files.

I personally just re-encode the audio to AAC, and drop the DivX into an mp4 container using a couple apps and get GOOD MPEG-4 support (DivX 5's video codec is pretty much MPEG-4 compliant now, and can be used in MP4 files without problems). I just grab my fansubs and convert them into a proper MPEG-4 file before archiving and watching them. Windows guys have RealOne and QT 6 to watch them in, so I have no gripes about telling them to watch it in one of the two.