Woah, now this is interesting... Give it a look, there are far too many amazing ideas in this article for me to summarize them in this post.
I was especially interested with the idea of MRAM (you'll find out about it in the article) and I pondered the possibility of if they were able to mini-size MRAM, it could possibly even replace the current computer harddrive. I decided to do a few searches on the subject and I discovered that Motorola was deep into MRAM research. Infact, they plan to go on the market with the first divices in year '04.
Quantum computing, wow. Something kind of clicked in my mind when I saw this, especially when I found out that Motorola was deeply researching the subject. I know that Morotola and Apple have been fairly close in the making of Apollo and the like, so maybe this post can also be taken as a rumor that Apple and Moto are hand in hand creating the G7, the first desktop quantum computer. Hell, a guy can dream, right?
I was especially interested with the idea of MRAM (you'll find out about it in the article) and I pondered the possibility of if they were able to mini-size MRAM, it could possibly even replace the current computer harddrive. I decided to do a few searches on the subject and I discovered that Motorola was deep into MRAM research. Infact, they plan to go on the market with the first divices in year '04.
Quantum computing, wow. Something kind of clicked in my mind when I saw this, especially when I found out that Motorola was deeply researching the subject. I know that Morotola and Apple have been fairly close in the making of Apollo and the like, so maybe this post can also be taken as a rumor that Apple and Moto are hand in hand creating the G7, the first desktop quantum computer. Hell, a guy can dream, right?