I switched to InDesign the moment it came out. I was sick of Quark's inability to export PDFs and, often times, the postscript files would Distill improperly. Plus, I could not stand having to constantly resave a flattened version of my Photoshop files for each little change due to Quark's lack of native Photoshop file support. Granted, I understand there are plugins for such things, but by the time you buy all the plugins, you've dropped a ton of cash just to catch up to InDesign's standard feature set.
And now, with ID's transparency support, holy crap, does that save time. I can't remember the last time I made a clipping path.
Unfortunately, there are still bugs. These bugs also apply to Quark AFAIK. Postscript and PDFs are still not what they should be. I can make files in ID that simply can't be distilled properly. I can make files with line strokes that when exported as postscript rasterize as really thick in Photoshop. I can distill files and open them in AI with all kinds of stuff wrong. I can prep files that appear fully correct in everything I open them in, but don't print or RIP. It's all over the place. You'd think the inventors of Postscript and PDF would be able to deply their own technology.