Quartz Extreme Question


I am planning on upgrading to Jaguar soon reguardless of the answer to my question. I am using a 700 mhz iBook (May 2002) with an ATI Radeon graphics card. My question is, with a compatible graphics card, but with also a G3 processor, will my iBook be able to utilize the Quartz Extreme in OS 10.2?? Thanks in advance.
Are you sure?? As much as I hope that you are right, I found this on Apple's website and it concerns me:

From http://www.apple.com/macosx/jaguar/quartzextreme.html

Jaguar delivers across-the-board optimizations to Quartz that make your system more responsive, no matter the hardware. You will detect a small improvement if you have a G3 processor. You will notice faster window redraws and scrolling if you have a G4 processor. They will be more remarkable if you have multiple G4 processors. But the real innovation in Jaguar comes with Quartz Extreme.

from what that says, it seems that they are referring to the Hardware/processor _without_ the graphics card, and if you DO have the Graphics card, it will be even faster.