Question about .bin Files


Recently I downloaded a Sega Genesis Emulator for my Macintosh, but as it turns out it reads .bin files as roms, so now that's the set program to run for opening a .bin file, so now I can't open Installer files.

I just want to know what program is used generally to open and install those files on a Mac so that I can change the Default back? I have a regular MacBook that runs on OS X, and the files I want to open are .bin files meant for installers.

Please get back to me as soon as possible, I'm new to Macintoshes.

Thank you.
The .bin extension is used for several different purposes. On the Mac, this extension has traditionally been used for MacBinary files. MacBinary is a format which maps a traditional dual-fork Macintosh file into a single-fork file which can then be safely stored or transported on single-fork systems. There are several utilities which handle MacBinary files, but Stuffit Expander is most popular.
you can open .bin files by doing the following:
1. change suffix from .bin to .dmg
2. select, then mount the file in Toast
3. The volume should show on your desktop at this point.