question about mac browsers


im sitting here at school working on one of the old imacs running os 9. i suddenly notice that on every mac i have ever worked on, the browser has been screwed up. heres what i mean: currently, the browser is taking up pretty much all of the screen, but it still has a horozontal scroll bar. in other words, its allmost as if the browser is too small for site windows, so if i want to see something on the right of the page, i have to scroll to the side. the browser is internet explorer. is it the same on all macs? or do the newer ones resize windows so one dosent have this problem. this is a big deal for me. i have never had this probelm in windoze. anyone know the answer?
well, your new mac will have os x, not 9. so there's a difference there.
ie 5 is on os x, but i don't think anyone actually uses it. safari and firefox are the popular picks.
don't recall seeing the issue you're describing while using browsers in os x.

dunno if that helps...
It could be a problem with that particular site being too wide... does it do it for ALL sites?

If it does it for ALL sites, check to see what resolution the monitor is set at. Anything lower than 1024 x 768 may cause that.
There is a good chance that those iMacs are using a 640 X 480 resolution, that would cause the browser to have to scroll over like that. If possible, try changing the resolution to 800 X 600 in the monitors control panel.
Plus IE on OS9 had all kinds of problems like that.

Often the whole page will go screwy and you'll have to scroll away from it and back to it. That's why I sometimes liked the horizontal scrollbar on my windows :p.

Most OS9 machines would have Netscape installed. Use that.
I've had a horizontal scroll bar sometimes when there's nothing to scroll too, but it's only been whilst using IE in OS X ... purely for testing my site, you understand!

Anyway, I think it's a bug in the was IE handles CSS - a quick alteration of my widths sorted the problem.
Snark said:
the problem is IE, it does this especially in os9

icab is much better for os 9 macs

Another browser you can try is WaMCom, which is based off of Mozilla 1.3.1. Check it out here. I've used it and it runs quite well.

As much as I love iCab since they support the older 68K machines, they do have some problems rendering certain pages, and I've had it crash my Macs from time to time. I sure hope that their next version is a little more stable and renders pages better.
yeah, i was just making sure it dosent affect all browsers. ill be using firefox when i get my powerbook, and ill check on the school comps for other browsers, since i cant install anything new.