Question about Originating IP and country of origin


I know it's not really a Mac networking question, but I trust the knowledge of lots of you guys in here.

Is it possible... given that India has so much telecom connection due to the outsourcing and the whole nine yards... that an e-mail sent by someone in Canada could have an orginating IP that tracks down to New Delhi?

Or can I be certain that the person that sent the mail is not in Canada?
'Is it possible ... that an e-mail sent by someone in Canada could have an orginating IP that tracks down to New Delhi?' - possible?, anything is possible. Is it probable that an e-Mail sent by someone in Canada was actually sent from New Delhi? - yes!

'Or can I be certain that the person that sent the mail is not in Canada?' - 100% certain? I cannot say. I would say that most likely the e-Mail was sent from New Delhi (and thus, not from 'Canada').
So, having scrounged around, if found that the originating ip is owned by these people, IT-OM Technologies, who are definitely based in India. They seem to be a strong company, though it could be just bluster. Could they be operating a proxy ISP in Canada?

Sure, anything's possible, but the person sending would not be capable of a major spoof. I am wondering if a company in Canada would benefit in setting up a proxy ISP that routed through India. Seems highly unlikely. so I'm pretty sure my friend is vacationing on her compassionate leave - not cool.