Question - Answer

Answer: Calculation of the quantities of reactants and products in a chemical reaction.
or The quantitative relationship between reactants and products in a chemical reaction

Question: How did I do on my AP chem test and AP Calc test today?
Stoichiometry is the accounting, or math, behind chemistry. Given enough information, one can use stoichiometry to calculate masses, moles, and percents within a chemical equation.

Thanks to

Question: When using Personal Web Sharing, why can I only see HTML files in the /Sites/ directory itself? I can't, for example see one in /Sites/web_design. I get a forbidden error when I try.
And yes, I know that this is probably not exactly what this thread it meant for, but I can't be bothered to post a new one!

PS, I am sooooo mad! I typed this all out, and then I hit Reset by mistake!
Dang it Johnny!

Answer: I have NO idea, and honestly, I don't really care ;)
However, I will say 'I hope you did great! to prevent you from hacking computer my computer...

Question, same as before
Answer: you must share folders to make them available

Question: Why is the sky blue ?
Answer: Because of the ozone (O3 is blue).

Question: Should I ask a girl out?

BTW: I got a 91 on my AP calc test, don't know about chem yet
A: Of course! But make sure you have a drink first! ;)

Q: Why do you have to take tests in the first place?
A: because its the only way incompetent teachers know of judging their students' performance

Q: who is this girl johnny?
Q: You ask her, Duh! (Of course, I have never had experience, but that would be a common sense answer.

A: What percentage of the registered users here are actually active? Like 0.02 or something? :P
Answer: If it didn't include a question or answer, like dlloyds last post in this thread.

Question: What exactly is 2+2?
The answer is obvious, but I thought there was no such thing as it... a stupid question ha hah ha!

if it takes seven men seven days to dig seven holes, how long does it take for one man to dig half a hole?
Question: What exactly is 2+2?

The answer depends:

For a neo-hilbertian-formalist it would be the product of re-writing the string of signs according to axiomatic rules.

For a solipsistic intuitionist the product of a mental construction.

For a die-hard-empricist the average result obtained by a sufficient number of trials by all means possible (notches on a stick, calculator, test-persons, etc.).

For early Husserl a collection of the two sub-collections (or sums) of multiplicities of unities, which in their abstraction are all identical to themselves (and only to themselves) and different from all others.

For a Fregean an element of an extra-mental ideal set of the sums of all couples.

I can go on a while I think ... :)

(Notice: I am being quite serious about this. ;) )

However they would all agree to the answer being 4, but vastly disagree on what that would mean, what it would be and how we obtained the result.
Originally posted by pds
The answer is obvious, but I thought there was no such thing as it... a stupid question ha hah ha!

if it takes seven men seven days to dig seven holes, how long does it take for one man to dig half a hole?

A: Half a day

Q: Am I right?
Answer: Hahaha...that's an old one. Nope, xaqintosh - you can't possibly dig half a hole...whatever you dig is a hole. Heh

Question: A man walks to work everyday, and takes the stairs up to his office on the 40th floor, but when he leaves, he takes the elevator down to the first floor. Why is this?
A: Because he is too short to reach the elevator button for Level 40.
You missed some of the joke though, it really goes like this:

A man goes to work each day (duh!). He takes the elevator to the 20th floor, and then walks up the stairs the rest of the way to Level 40. On the way down he rides the elevator all the way.
He does this every day except when he has a guest. When this happens he rides the elevator all the way up and down. Why is this?

Q: What is greater than God, and more evil than the devil? The rich need it, the poor have it, and if you eat it, you will die.
Answer: nothing

Question: why do the seats in women's bathrooms go up like the ones in men's bathrooms? Isn't that kinda stupid?