Question: What exactly is 2+2?
The answer depends:
For a neo-hilbertian-formalist it would be the product of re-writing the string of signs according to axiomatic rules.
For a solipsistic intuitionist the product of a mental construction.
For a die-hard-empricist the average result obtained by a sufficient number of trials by all means possible (notches on a stick, calculator, test-persons, etc.).
For early Husserl a collection of the two sub-collections (or sums) of multiplicities of unities, which in their abstraction are all identical to themselves (and only to themselves) and different from all others.
For a Fregean an element of an extra-mental ideal set of the sums of all couples.
I can go on a while I think ...
(Notice: I am being quite serious about this.

However they would all agree to the answer being 4, but vastly disagree on what that would mean, what it would
be and how we obtained the result.