question marks show up on email I send


When I send a an email with my mac it arrives on P.C.'s with questions marks in the spaces. Do I have a bug or is there a way to set my mac for p.c. e-mail compatability.

What email program are you using on the Mac, and on the PC? Is there anything unusual about the way you're creating, sending or reading the emails? For instance, are you copying the text in from another program?

It certainly is not normal for question marks to appear in place of spaces and it is not an error I have encountered before.
I'm having the same problem at my office. We all use Macs here, but our clients use PCs. Anytime we send out an email that has been typed out in MS Word v. X, it has question marks randomly throughout it, no matter whether the client is using Outlook or Outlook Express.

If the email is created in the Mail application or TextEdit, we don't seem to be getting the question marks.

This has been a recent development though. All through 10.3 and most of 10.4, this has not been a problem.

Does anyone know why this is happening?
Actually, I just found out that the last message that was sent to a PC user had question marks in it, and the text was originally created in the Mail application under 10.4.7.

What's going on???
We are havilng the same problem with the question-marks and it is becoming seriously embarassing in announcements to our large mailing lists. It can happen with mail that originates directly from the Mac Mail program. I hope someone out there can figure this one out soon.
This just started happening to me today--but when I send test messages to myself on my Mac, I don't see the question marks.'s only the recipients on a PC that receive the question marks. We still haven't found an answer.

For now, we are having the person that does our email blasts to copy the text into Text Edit, highlight it all, and make sure that it's something simple like Arial.