Question re: Bootcamp


According to the Bootcamp instructions, you must have a single-disk version of Windows XP with SP2. I have one with SP1 (I got it before SP2 came out). Has anyone tried with SP1 and determined that it does not work? Does anyone know how to take a disk with SP1 and add SP2 to it or is this impossible? Thanks
As for the first part I can't help there. As for the 2nd part. just do a google lookup on "Slipstreaming" you will find howto to Slipstream SP2 in to your SP1 disk and then how to rebrun the new SP2 copy of XP.
Thanks. I actually found that last night and it worked, but then I had another problem where I couldn't make the new disk bootable from CD to install windows. Do you have any idea how to make the CD rom bootable?
first off do you have a pc or VP on your mac?
if do then I can help you walk thought makeing the new disk work.
You email if you want so that this post don't get to big. email me at just remove the ".nospam to make it work" talk at you later.