Questions about the new Palm Desktop...


I have a couple questions about the new Palm desktop beta just released .. First of, if we install this will it (the Palm) be able to sync with MS Entourage? And also, does anyone know if it supports Serial-to-USB connections?
No Palm Desktop will not import your appointments from Microsoft Entourage. :mad: Nor does Entourage allow you to export these as a common tab deliminated or similar file type. You can import your contacts - that's all.
grrr. is it safe to assume that this is because it is a beta and support for Entourage will be included in the 'real' release?
do you guys think there will be a way to get your contacts from Apples' Address included in OSX into your palm?

I spent a lot of time inputting my data into that app, and now i can't get them to talk to each other. :mad: