quick updating newbie question


hey i just got my first mac (its a imac 800 if that matters) anyhow with my previous pcs i would go to windowsupdate.microsoft.com or something like that to automatically update the drivers and system software of the computer. where do i go to do it for the apple software (which seems even more inclusive of course) thank you (and i apologize for newbieness)
It's the Software Update in the System Preferences panel.

Welcome to OS X. You'll find that there are a lot of us PC converts on the boards... myself included.
You'll also find that there are next to no drivers to worry about. Security patches are few, since the OS was somewhat secure to begin with.;)

Most updates you get will be for other languages, system upgrades, and updates for the iApps.

Have fun on OS X!
you might also want to check out www.macupdate.com for new releases and software updates. it and VT have most of the same stuff but occasionally each one gets an exclusive.
thnks for the responses; one more question (well i think just one last question) are iApps also updated via the Software Update in the System Preferences Panel?

unfortunately someone else in the family gets to use this computer -- my work is purely technical :( but hopefully i will get some play time. she will say undoubtfully "you have 3 computers! this one is mine!!" i don't think she will buy the excuse that "none of them are Macs!" we will see, but i tried a similar excuse with some speakers recently and it didn't work very well (none of them are m&k speakers! ;) )
some of the iapps are, the rest you can get from your idisk (on the apple menu click on "go" and then "idisk") or on apple.com/macosx/downloads (if you are on the internet, just click on the apple menu and click "get mac os x software"