quicksilver wont turn on


put my finger on the button on front.....light comes on........take my finger off, light goes out........help??
Sounds like maybe a rerset of the PMU(power Management Unit) May be in order or a reset of the PRAM. A search of this site should give you the directions.
There is a small silver button by the battery on the mother board. With the computer off, press that button once and then turn on as usual. That should cure the problem.
powermac said:
...press that button a few times...
Do NOT press that button "a few times" -- press the PMU reset button ONLY ONCE.

Pressing the PMU button more than once in a row can FRY your PMU unit, causing even more problems than you have now.

The correct procedure for a PMU reset is to unplug ALL cables from the computer. Open the computer. Ground yourself against static. Press and hold the button for about 1/2 to 1 second, then release. Wait a few moments (10 seconds or more). Reconnect all cables and try to boot.


1. Disconnect the power cord and check the battery in the battery holder (BT1). The battery should read 3.3 V to 3.7 V. If the battery is bad, replace the battery, wait ten seconds, and then reset the PMU (refer to the next step). If the battery is good, go to the next step.

2. Press the PMU reset switch (S1) once on the logic board. Do not press the PMU reset switch a second time because it could stop the PMU chip from responding.

3. Wait ten seconds before connecting the power cord and turning the computer on. If the computer turns on, go to the next step. If the computer does not turn on, there is something else wrong with the computer.