Quicktime 6 pro... cant view movies!


OS X Jaguar
Im trying to view .avi movies in the browser, and its not working. the window opens, you see the file playing?... but no picture! No sound.

is this a quicktime bug? other? help!

this is very irritating.... I thought QT 6 is a worldwide standard? How come its not working then?

Im using osX jaguar, IE 5.2.2, tried opera 6 beta... no luck in either one.

heres the errror im getting:

quicktime error
well the error message says it all really.....
You are missing the "required compressor". you need to find out what codec was used to encode the avi, then find out if you can get it for the mac. It could be using anyone of number of different codecs......Divx ...Indeo etc
Open your .avi movie again, then press the "apple" key + J . A window should open...on the left there should be the drop down menu containing the video & sound files.
Select the "video" file, the from the drop down menu on the right select "General".
this should tell you what codec was used to encode the movie. With this new info, you can now try to find a mac os x version of the codec.
BTW Quicktime 6 is the world standard when it comes to playing .mov files, ".avi" is a PC format.
Ive tried em all... no luck.

I still cant beleive that QT wont handle this....

perhaps Im doing something wrong? Ive tried playing the movie in both QT and by dragging to play in the other apps.... ??? Im totally lost.

"I just wanna view .avi movies!". :(
Well, I wont upload cause its too big. 5 mb or so..... but.... its NOT playing.

Weird, I downloaded an avi from another site. And that one played! BUT, it didnt play using QT... within the browser, it appears to have played with windows media for mac, which I have on this system.

why would that one launch and play in the brower, and the other one didnt? weird. :(

could it be a browser issue? Meaning, the settings, or file helper settings in the browser?

I dont think so....

My understanding is that there is a codec issue and macosx.... im told it would work if I boot under os9... problem is, I dont use 9 anymore.
I use macs for many years now and i've never been able to play avi files. There are avi to quicktime converters but they are unrelieable. I can view: .mov / .mpg / .asf / .rm
lucasraggers, you CAN view .avi files if you have the right codec installed. For example you can view .avi files encoded with "divx" codec once you have "divx" codec installed. (http://www.divx.com/divx/mac/)
PowermacG4_450's problem is that he has an avi that was encided using the Indeo codec which is not available for mac os X. I assumed the mplayer could play these files....but seemingly i was wrong.
If all else fails you can always go back into mac os 9 download the indeo codec and watch the movies in os 9....not an ideal solution but it is better than nothing.
here is more info on the subject http://docs.info.apple.com/article2.html?artnum=60366
Looks like this is another thing osX cant handle yet.. . :(

along with no osX driver support for my scanner. Drats.

Im NOT going back to 9.... i refuse to. ;)
I ran into the same problem, and before I didn't care or had alternatives - until someone put a wireless cam on their RC Car (same idea I have about putting one on my OffRoad RC Truck) and wanted to see how it works before I invest the money in toys! :)

Here's the link:
The MPEG and Quicktime movies play ok (as expected), but the "More Videos" dont. And they use the Intel Video Codec (checked it in Quicktime) so I only get audio...

Funny thing is, I went to view them on a client's Win2K computer I currently have - but same problem, with Windows Media Player showing Audio Visualizations... :p

I saw that I can download the Codec for the Windows Machine, but anyone know how to get these to play on Mac?