Quicktime 6

10.2 is ready. The latest "developer seedings" (x8, x9) are incorporating changes due in 10.2.1.

Check out
to read the story. The article is intitled "Un très habile rideau de fumée". Well, it actually has "trés" but that's a typo. And yes, of course, it's in French... :D
He's saying he decided not to post exclusive rumors anymore, but he will talk about rumors from other sites.
He's not saying anything about X.
[Or am I wrong?]
As far as I can remember (the site is currently down), he said that he "just received the confirmation that the 10.2 CDs are already pressed". He says nothing about other sites AFAIR. He wouldn't say that 10.2 will be there at MWNY but he states "exspect to see it any time now". And he certainly talks about 10.2
(OS X). Maybe you have read the wrong article ?

Well, that must have been the wrong article...
The one I'm referring to is the 2nd with that title, having (MàJ) added to it. So, it's the MàJ (update) I'm talking about. Sorry, my description wasn't accurate.
Well, I just checked back with MacBidouille and indeed the original article has been pulled. We now find: "Je suis désolé, mais j'ai décidé de ne plus publier de rumeurs "exclusives".
En effet, elles n'apportent rien si ce n'est déranger du monde.

Je continuerai à commenter des Rumeurs d'autres sites.

Merci à tous ceux qui ont pris le risque de me confier ces informations.
Continuez à le faire, je reste ravi de savoir les choses avant."

"I'm sorry but I decided not to publish any more "exclusive" rumors. Indeed, they don't do anything but annoy some/certain people.
I will continue to comment on the rumors of other sites.
Thanks to all those who have taken the risk to trust me with this information. Please, continue to do so. I'm still eager to know things in advance."

Ooops, seems like the rumor was too close to the mark ?