quicktime sure sucks

I never had an opinion on which player was better: Quicktime, Real, or Window's Media Player until I got DSL this summer. Before that, on modem, the only videos I really watched were those that came on CDs with magazines. Once I got DSL though, I was watching streaming music videos left right and centre. I had every player so I could watch any video I wanted. I quickly learned that streaming real video and windows media files are horrible! The quality of the visuals is so poor, they were unbearable to watch. Quicktime videos on the other hand, all looked awesome. I know that this has to do with the encoding of the videos as well, so people who create real videos and wm videos always encode at low low quality, or maybe it's the file format itself that lends to the degredation in quality. Either way, I trashed the other two players and only stream quicktime videos now. The quality of the other two formats are, IMO, not worth watching.

Also, I have no problems with speed of playing quicktime files on my imac, both divx encoded and otherwise. They play fine in the background even.
I wish Real would get off their collective butts and release an X version of RealPlayer so I can play .RM files.

What's taking them so Farking long?
QT is not problem only on my system. it has been reported all over the net it has major response problems. it happens on my single G4 and now my dual and my friends dual, and i have been to a school and it was the same there on their 30 macs plus at a local library it is the same. all running the latest os x. at the time i used them. so on over 30 macs it has problems that i personally have seen. apple even knows this cus they have emailed me a response to an apple feedback i sent then a long time ago.

and no i dont hate the mac. i love it. i love mac os. love love love to death. but it just doesn't run some of the software i like. mainly games and news group apps that i need certain things from. anyhow i love the mac and QT in general other then it's major issues in os x.
I did not mean to just say quicktime sucks

Quicktime is the best video player. It kicks real and WMP ass in quality. And it's the best software too. And the only video player that doesn't fucking hang for 5 seconds when you click the close button. And it can use flash 4 as an interface (which is how that awesome link to the 4-channel concert thing is done).

What sucks is that there's AVIs and MPGs that play fine in Windows Media Player on PC, but quicktime can't play them. Pretty much any non-proprietary video format is guaranteed to play flawlessly on a PC, but many AVIs and MPGs will not play on a mac, or will start to play then freeze and hang.

Also, streaming video over quicktime (true streaming) sucks. Real is the best at this. Too bad their software sucks and they have no mac support so they're dead.

But quicktime is the best all around video player.

Admiral, all I wanted to say is that it is stupid to blame a Media Player because it can't play a certain media format. Real and Microsoft know why they don't release their Codecs, since then, most people will use QT and stop using RealPlayer or WMP.
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
I know ;p
Iwas being sarcastic :p
Sarcasm doesnt translate well online :p

you said that somewhere else... it just sounds so familiar
I have been using QT for awhile on both OS X and OS 9. Ironically, the best DivX player for my 8600/300 has to be the codec for OS X. Why? Because I can get a good 15 fps on 320x240 video WITHOUT video acceleration from my voodoo card. MPEG-1 barely keeps up without the acceleration of the video.

Off-topic, but the oddest thing is that DivX is (for the most part) an MPEG-4 compliant video codec. However, because of the implementation as an AVI codec instead of a true MPEG-4 (QT file format) codec, it cannot be called an MPEG-4 codec. Despite the fact that MS calls it MPEG-4v3.

Back to the topic, I have a little tidbit I picked up awhile back on the lack of support of MPEG and AVI in QT5. AVI is a no-brainer really, Microsoft and the creators of the Indeo Video AVI codec would resist getting it mainstream into QT, but the Indeo Video 5 codec is available and floating around which will play non-DivX AVI files like some music videos and whatnot.

MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 have a more interesting story. Apple was planning on putting playback/encoding into QT5 of both formats. Obviously QT5 Pro would be required for encoding. However, Apple didn't properly figure the licensing costs for them, and had to scale back. WAY BACK. End result? We get a complete implementation of MPEG-1 playback but no way to properly encode without Toast 5 or Cleaner 5. Cleaner 5 is great, but expensive. Toast 5 isn't very good about letting people tweak settings to improve quality. However, the good news is that QT6 should have this support, as QT6 is on the slate as a whenever-it-is-done style release. Apple has already gotten into the MPEG-2 market with DVD Studio Pro and iDVD. MPEG-1 support is only missing encoding (and the ability to handle muxed tracks).

I personally would like to be able to view MPEG-2 files under MacOS 9 so that I can see how ugly my SVCD files are, and true enough MPEG-2 is a pretty good codec as long as you have good source footage. Explains the reasoning for the use as the DVD format.

However, the only issues I have had with QT is this. I have many additional codecs on top of the usual, including 3ivX (a supposedly MPEG-4 compliant codec, which I am more inclined to believe). The ability of both WMP (on PC) and QT5 (on Mac) to use new codecs is great, and I personally wish people would write more codecs (they are only 200k for the most part). :)
well I have said it a few times (and in a few languages) online since darcasm doesnt translate/fair/do well online when its just typed words :p
 quicktime sure sucks

Two kinds of movie files

.mpg files
.avi files

quicktime can't play some of these

for mpg files, quicktime starts playing them then halfway through it freezes and becomes a slide show

for avi files, the video track is missing, and you can only hear audio. Quicktime usually says it is missing software in a dialogue box.

But these will always play smoothly on a PC!!

What's the deal???

All they suck! Windows Media Player, Real Player, Quicktime Player, they suck! They can't play my VHS Video Tapes! They Suck!

Do you know what I say?
They only do their own jobs! Guys!
This post is even more stupid than the first of this thread! I hope it was just a stupid bad joke! Go to OS 9 and use the Video Player. And dont talk shit like this post! Just stupid!:mad: :p :D
someone should write an essay about sarcasm online ...

ok i'll take my pills now.
the sad thing is that whenever I put <sarcasm></sarcasm> into my posts, it's filtered out as HTML. Maybe we should invent a "sarcasm" smile ;)
-= Off topic =-

a "sarcasism smiley" would rock...

How about these:





:-§ <-- my favorite
Again off-topic, but I agree that a sarcasm smiley would be very useful.

Other useful smileys that I have seen/would want -- there's an angel smiley to show that you're innocent -- I think I saw it over at www.extreme-forums.com when appleturns.com linked to a poll about digital devices to make it look like everybody overwhelmingly liked the iPod. ;) Another useful smiley would be a :deadtired: "smiley".

I think you can add smileys to the forum, why doesn't someone just whip up a smiley that has the same look as the current smilies except that it has a different face. Then the bulletin-board moderators can add it. Oh, and how come animations are disabled for smilies? :(