Radeon 7500 Firmware Fix


My Radeon 7500 recently died on me. 2D runs fine as long as I dont allow the drivers to load, if I let the ATi drivers load at startup, feeze right away. I have done extensive tests and I have pretty much decided that (somehow) the card firmware has been messed up (either that of the GPU is busted). I have been trying to find the 7500 ROM image so I can replace it, but I can't find it anywhere (not even sure if one exists). Any help would be great, I don't really want to shell out £145 for a Radeon 9000 (heh like I can addord a 9600/9800).
And just a note : I have posted about this before... no its not the drivers, no its not 3rd party software and no its not a PC card converted to Mac. I don't mean to sound rude just don't want a stream of questions like 'what OS are you using' - it matters not, I know where the problem is (well, I hope so otherwise I am gonna look such a tit)
Looks like you have several macs. Is it possible to plug that card in another mac? Just to see if it is really about your graphic ROM..
Did you also press control+option+p+r during boot? Will reset your PRAM. Just a desperate try...

Hope I was helpful
hehe I wish I had several Macs, that would be a surefire way of testing the ROM... as it is I have to rely on what I know about macs and hardware. I reset the PRAM before, although it did not fix the problem, it did fix a problem I had with my audio settings :) (kept setting the balance to the left for no reason)
Well, before you go for a new one, you should make sure your 7500 is really messed. Any way to check at a friends mac?
Again, most of my friends have PCs, those that have Macs have either iMacs or Laptops. Its a real pain not being able to test it anywhere. I asked CanCom about testing it - they quoted £45 just to check if it works - may as well spend that £45 on getting a new card... if at a later date I can test it, I could always sell it... who knows.