RAM on Mac Pro 3.1

sonal singhal

I recently installed 8 additional GB of RAM on my Mac Pro Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz. All memory is DDR2 FB-DIMM and is loaded in parallel (4 x 2 GB and 2 x 1 GB) . Memory tests (done with memtest) suggest all the memory is working well.

I am running several very memory intensive programs. All 3 programs run fine as long as they are using less than 2 GB of RM (as judged by the Activity Monitor). As soon as they go over, the programs all throw bad allocation faults.

What is going on here?

Is the RAM from high quality RAM vendors? I've heard that the Mac Pros use RAM with pretty tight timing, and can misbehave if high performance RAM isn't used, whereas normal quality RAM would work fine in Apples' other Machines.