RAM Question


I just recently bought a 2011 15" Macbook Pro with 2.0 Ghz i7 processor. I have 4 Gb of Ram and I just recently upgraded to OS X lion. I have noticed that under normal use, I have a few page outs. I only had to system on for around 8 hours total and the Page in/ Page out rato was roughly 527Mb/47.8Mb. I ran safari, mail, and itunes at the same time. I did open the mac app store a few times and the beachball would pop up when loading a new page. But i consistently had around 1 to 2 Gbs of free memory while having these running. I don't understand why it would page out at all if the memory is free. I'm new to mac os x so I'm not sure if I should be worried about it or I'm just a over reacting since Ive only had the computer for two weeks.
Perfectly normal. Sometimes you will get a handful of pageouts even with available free memory -- that does NOT mean that your computer has run out of RAM and needs to swap memory to the disk, though.

47.8MB of pageouts is insignificant.