RAM specs for an AGP G4


I bought some ram for a 400 mhz G4 AGP that keeps the computer from booting. Seller claims it is for PC's only. I've bought lots of ram before without this problem. Can anyone tell me if the specs below are wrong for the G4? Thanks! Bruce S

The specs of the ram are:
Part Number: CT64M72S4R8E
Module Size: This is for a 512MB Dimm
Package: 168-pin DIMM
Feature: SDRAM, PC100
Configuration: 64Meg x 72
DIMM Type: Registered
Error Checking: ECC
Speed: 100MHz
Voltage: 3.3V
Memory Timings: CL=2
Specs: SDRAM, PC100 • CL=2 • Registered • ECC • 100MHz • 3.3V • 64Meg x 72
There is no such thing as "PC-specific" RAM. That's like saying that a certain brand of tire can only be used on a BMW... even if your Honda has the same size wheels. I would not take advice on computers in general, at all, from that seller anymore as he/she obviously has no idea of what they're talking about concerning Macintosh- or Windows-based computers.

You could argue with that seller that a Macintosh is indeed a "Personal Computer", and, hence, fits the "PC" moniker just fine.

The AGP Macintosh G4 does not use ECC (error correcting) RAM. You need non-ECC RAM for your Macintosh G4. Other than that, the rest of the specs are spot-on: PC-100, 3.3v, unbuffered, registered, SDRAM DIMMs.
Just for clarification:

ECC (error checking) RAM can be used in G4 (or most Mac) machines - except the ECC function will be disabled. The problem you have come across (and it's the same for PC's) if ECC RAM is used, all the modules must be ECC. You cannot mix ECC and non-ECC (normal) RAM modules together.
macworks said:
Note that you may use PC-133 if you can't find the PC-100 for your machine.

While this was true, be wary. Not all PC-133 RAM nowadays is backwards compatible anymore. This is done mainly because not many machines use this RAM anymore and it's cheaper to leave out the compatibility.