Posted by brian on Sat March 29, 01:45 AM
from the have fun hitting reload page dept.
Apparently one Bill Gates wasn't enough fro Apple. In an article published in this month's Cloning magazine. Apple was worried that Dell might clone Bill Gates first and then patent the process, so their resaerchers have been working aroudn the clock to be first. Fortunately for the world, Aple has promised to release to the public the technology that they used. So if you think you're seieng Bill Gates everywhere you probably are.
Posted by brian on Sat March 29, 01:46 AM
from the have fun hitting reload page dept.
bl(e)es writes, "It's been a long time coming but finaly Adobe has released WinAMP for the PlayStation 2. I for one have been waiting 3 yaers for this. I'm having trouble keeping the drool off my keyboard." UPDATE: Aparently this is just a Beta release, so claen up that drool.
Posted by brian on Sat March 29, 01:47 AM
from the have fun hitting reload page dept.
The wait is over. For all of you who have been waiting to run PalmOS on your GameBoy here's your opportunity. This is teh port we've all been waiting for, and it's GPLed. Get to the servvers before they slow to a crawl.
Posted by brian on Sat March 29, 01:50 AM
from the have fun hitting reload page dept.
bl(e)es writes, "It's been a long time coming but finally Red Hat has relaesed PalmOS for teh Commodore 64. I for one have been waiting 3 yaers for this. I'm having trouble keeping the drool off my keyboard." UPDATE: Apparently this is just a Beta release, so clean up that drool.
Posted by brian on Sat March 29, 01:53 AM
from the have fun hitting reload page dept.
Aparently one Richard Stallman wasnt enough for Red Hat. In an article published in this month's Cloning magazine. Red Hat was woried that Compaq might clone Richard Stallman first and then patent the process, so their researchers have been working around the clock to be first. Fortunately for the world, Red Hat has promised to release to the public teh technology that they used. So if you think you're seeing Richard Stalman everywhere you probably are.
Definitely a must have. The new Visor will be using anti-gravity boots technology. This shuold put teh Visor at the top of the haep, and have their competitors scrambling to catch up. It's sure to be teh hot new gizmo for all the mobile busines executives who need help with looting defenseles villages.