hey i got this code and moded it a bit to suit me but i get an error its in the action of a button:
dim mail as emailmessage
dim i as integer
dim s as string
smtpsocket1.address = "mail.mmc.school.nz"
smtpSocket1.port = 25
smtpSocket1.username = "joshmawer"
smtpSocket1.password = "****"
mail = new emailMessage
mail.subject= "teamorbithelp"
mail.bodyplainText= bodyfld1.text
mail.headers.appendHeader "x-mailer","realbasic smtp demo"
s = replaceall("angrylittlemonkey@hotmail.com",",",chr(13))
for i = 1 to countfields(s,chr(13))
mail.addrecipient trim(nthfield(s,chr(13),i))
s = replaceall("******@hotmail.com",",",chr(13))
for i = 1 to countfields(s,chr(13))
mail.addccrecipient trim(nthfield(s,chr(13),i))
smtpSocket1.messages.append mail
msgbox "You will recive the reply soon by email" +endofline+ "Thanks for using Our software"
but i get an error at the end sub bit any ideas?