Re-install Mac OS X


I installed Mac OS X on my powerbook G3 when I received Mac OS X. But, I select Unix format as target format. Today, I want to re-install a new Mac OS X system on the same partition . The Installer cannot found my target disk that alreay installed Mac OS X.
This is a serious trouble problem because I cannot installed again.
try this:
find an old Mac OS 9 system CD. Start up from that CD by holding down the "C" key during the 'start up process'. once you are in the cd-based Mac OS 9 use Disk Utility and fire "Drive Setup" on the HD. that should find the UFS based HD and you should be able to re-format it back to HFS+.
Then you can reinstall Mac OS X.
Your files will be lost unless you can backup or so. You might wanna shove the most important files into your iDisk account and download em again once you're done installing.
Then when you got all that over with you might wanna tell us why the heck you have formatted your HD using the UnixBasedFileSystem??? ;)
good luck

The King Of Irons,
Yes, I need back up all files. If I do not backup. All files will earsed after using driver setup. It's so bad if I format a Unix disk. :eek: