Re-starting a G5 PowerPC from a MacBook Pro


Hello helpful people

I have a G5 powerpc that is flashing a question mark. Whenever this has happened in my life with previous Macs i have pulled out my trusty install disc and fixed the problem, however i have lost the install disc.

I do have an intel MacBook Pro. Is there anyway i can wipe and install OSX on my PowerPC via my MacBook Pro without buying an OSX install disc?

Also, i had read that i could boot in safe mode by holding down shift but this has no effect. Does anyone know why?

I'd really appreciate some help with this.

Cheers me dears
Sadly not Rowan, not only is it against the license terms (and this board is for legit discussion only I'm afraid) but it wouldn't work anyway.

The safe mode thing with shift was from OS 9 days hence it not working.

You need a retail (black with big silver X) not for a specific machine (grey) OS X install disk. You might be able to pick it up a bit cheaper than full price on ebay perhaps.
Hey Ora

Thanks for the quick response. I'll look into that. Why do you say not for a specific machine though? There are a few OSX discs for imac on ebay. Would these work?

Thanks again

I tried to use my MacBook Pro install disc and got told they wouldn't work because they are intel. Should these actually work?

Any install disc set that specifies the model will only work on the exact model and generation of Macs they were shipped with. So a set specifying an iMac will only work on that version of iMac.
The ones with Intel processors should also not have any PPC code (as that's redundant for their use).

So your options are finding the original set that came with that G5 or a retail version of Mac OS X later than what was shipped with it. A retail version of Mac OS X 10.4 should be cheap at ebay by now. Retail disc set is always black.
Glad we could help, let us know how you get on and come back if you have other questions.
Hi again.

Right i've found my install discs for the PowerMac but they are 10.3 and i think i installed a friend's 10.4. They don't work. They don't even allow me to open disc utility. Also, the start up disc is not being shown as an option, only the install disc or network.

At the risk of repeating myself...Is there any way i can wipe and start a fresh with these install discs?

What G5 exactly do you have? (modell-Identifier).
I can check if there is any change of getting a hardware-specific set that would work on your Mac. I collect these sets for over two yeays now. Retailversion of Tiger (the black disc) are just about 80-120 dollars on Ebay; not cheap.
Greetings from Germany.