pine uses the mbox format, which is the same format that uses. So, install pine, and then replace its mailbox files with softlinks to the ones uses.
e.g. ln -s .pine/inbox.mbox ~/Library/Mail/POP-me@someserver/INBOX.mbox/mbox
Note that it's been a while since I had this set up, so I don't recall where pine puts its mailboxes. The way I did it was to set everything up, and then see what files got created.
If I recall correctly, after pine had read and written the mbox file, forgot which messages were read, so it thought I had 1,202 unread messages or whatever.
Now, this was under 10.0 and 10.1; in 10.2 has changed the layout of its mail folders somewhat, with a few extra index files and the like, so maybe it won't have that effect anymore