Read this CNET article!

The briQ is the one I recall. I tried finding it with Sherlock2 for this thread but decided not to devote any more time to it. Good find. Thank you. And if I recall correctly, this machine will not run Mac OS X even though it uses PowerPC G3s and G4s. The DUAL GHz GVS9000 seems to be able to run Mac OS X as claimed by the manufacturer. Would be intersting to see in action.
Actually, its Intel that wants Apple to switch. Apple is being woo'd big time. I believe you won't see OS X on X86 but Itanium (which can run X86 software) if it does get ported, but there is no software so there's no incentive. And a recent survey found even though the demand for an alternative OS is at an all time high, the overwhelming majority of PC users will NOT switch, even if it were ported to Intel. Apple will have a dilema sooner or later, as they will have to make a choice for the big switch to 64 bit. When is another story. But it keeps Apple's meager R&D dollars focused on one platform for now.