Reading CD-Rs burned by Wintel users


Matthew Smith
I have a friend who is having a hard time reading CD-Rs burned by her PC using friends. She has a 15" powerbook G4/867. Is she doing something wrong? Or does OS X not support these proprietary format disks? I supposed those wintel users could burn ISO-compatible disks, but they probably have no clue how. Is there a utility for reading these types of disks? I know there were some for OS 9, but are there any for X?

What kind of format are the CDs in, you don't seem to say. Are they FAT32? From what I know, I think osx can read FAT32 disks. I've done it with Windows file sharing but not with CDs.
CDs which you burn on a PC usually are in ISO format with the Joliet extension to support long file names. Mac OS X can perfectly read these CDs, so I suspect the problem elsewhere.
The problem I suspect is with CD-RWs.

PCs have a method of formatting these to effectively use them like floppies (something I wish the Mac could do). This format is incomprehensible to the Mac.

Also some of the Apple CD drives had trouble reading CD-RWs period. Another of those expensive Apple peripherals they got at firesale prices after they were rejected by the PC clone manufacturers as old technology.