ready for a big mac group hug!


I have issues, OK!
Might sound mushy, might surprise you that all of this is coming from a stiff-upper-lipped Englishman, but I'm sick and tired of all of the negative news / vibes floating around.

So let's here of how our Mac OS X citizens are reaping the benefits of OS X.

Here's my story: I'm sat here, using Safari, tabbed to the max, I've got MSN Messenger running, talking to my nephew. Exposé is a dream.

I've got LaunchBar handling all of the application launching .. I barely use the Dock or the Apple menu these days - don't take those hands off that keyboard .. don't you dare!

About 9 gig of music and some cool playlists in iTunes keep me going through the evening. A good broadband connection makes the net fly.

Panther is rock-solid and fast as something that's very fast that lives in Fastville, Fastshire.

And yes, I love my mac!..
I love my Mac as well. It's older and slower than most, but it gets the job done without a hiccup.

I just spent a week programming a Java program for a class in computer science where we use nothing but Windows XP PCs with Borland's JBuilder. I opted to use XCode instead. My 500MHz G4 compiles and runs this program faster than the 1.4GHz PCs at school, plus it's a DREAM to program in.

All the while I was shuffling iTunes music -- about 9.37GB worth -- to keep me entertained. Mail was always open, alerting me to any new help on my project at Safari was open with two or three tabs so I could reference the project outlines whenever I wanted to. Plus, Transmit and the SFTP protocol helped me transfer files from school to home and back again. Terminal stayed open, ssh'ing to school to read mail and muck around with files on the school server.

I hate to say it, but even Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection software helped me to log in remotely to computers at school when ssh or SFTP didn't cut it.

My girlfriend wanted a new mix CD to put in her car, and I was able to burn one in the background flawlessly even while doing everything I mentioned before.

On the other hand, I tried to start this programming project out on my girlfriend's 2000 Pro PC using JBuilder 9 and iTunes to listen to music shared from my Mac. iTunes did its job, but JBuilder choked under all that processor load.

Doing all these things simultaneously isn't really what got me excited about using a Mac -- it was simply the interface and user experience. I LOVED sitting down to work on a Java project on my Mac -- hell, I'd venture to say it even helped me be a little more creative since I was enjoying my time in front of the computer. I DREADED having to work on an XP or 2000 Pro machine with JBuilder.

I love it. I can't wait until I get a new Mac and see what the G5 can really do. Go Mac!
ElDiabloConCaca said:
Mail was always open...

Same here...

ElDiabloConCaca said:
I hate to say it, but even Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection software helped me...

Ditto! I connect into my mates pc and test my web-applications. I've got Virtual PC, but I don't look forward to re-installing it just yet...

ElDiabloConCaca said:
My girlfriend wanted a new mix CD .. and I was able to burn one in the background flawlessly even while doing everything I mentioned before...

Same here. It was last summer and my girlfriend wanted some summertime tunes to cheer here up.

ElDiabloConCaca, I can feel all that fuzzy warmth floating in from the Lone Star state all the way from England!

Keep those good vibes coming...
Sitting on the sofa with my ibook. No wires to mess with thanks to airpotr xtreme.
iTunes serving up 3GB om music and Virgin Radio. Y! Messenger and iChatAV keeping me in touch with family anf friend far away. Mail dinging away in the background. iSync and .mac keeping all my macs current all the time. Sherlock helped me find a good movie (including the trailer) to go to tonight .

Panther keeping it all running quickly smoothly.

I love my iBook and my iMac.
Though I just gave away a Performa 631CD shell with a 6300 mobo in it to a friend, I still have my favorite Quadra 650. Yeah, it's old by today's standards, but with 7.5.5 and iCab, as well as Master Tracks for sequencing, it's good to go. Plus, now it's dual booted with NetBSD so I can set it up as a web server for the house. :)
Check any Windows forum for a thread like this. You'll be old and gray before you find one.

I love my Mac. More than my big toe.
I'm (also) sitting here on my sofa with my little ibook, doing everything I need it too.

I've judt emigrated from the UK to Australia, and couldn't have done without it. It's worked seemlessly for keeping in touch with freinds and family, looking after my photographs, and even as an Mp3 player on very long flights!

Also, every other day I seem to be surprised by how well Panther works. My Dad phoned from the UK a couple of days ago and wanted to send a fax, I said 'Give it 2 minutes Dad, I'll just connect up my laptop'.

It then took me 10 minutes to explain to him why!

Plus, as a Web Designer, I've found the Print to PDF funtion fantastic for sending people copies of websites I have designed for them, plus it gives them something to look at!

Finally, I set up a WiFi connection in my new home, it took about 3 seconds to get my ibook connected and working, about 1 hour for a Dell, and my partners Dell Laptop refuses to connect!.

It summed it all up a few days ago, after doing all my work on my ibook for a while, I needed to use our new Dell Hi Spec PC for some Access stuff, and was shocked at how many times it crashed, froze and generally played up.

My dream now is a 17" Powerbook.....mmmmm.
well... let's see. I'm chatting online using Fire, listening to John Coltrane, burning a DVD data disk, checking e-mail, while talking here and at Flashkit, with Photoshop open, and playing around with Pixels3D, while using my RDC to the Win2k3 server I have setup in my house... and nothing's slowing down nor crashing.

*hugs cube*

now... if I can only replace my dead iBook, I'll rejoice 100% :(
Urbansory said:
moooooooo saaaaaaa, if you saw Bad Boys 2, you'll get that. lol

I have, but I don't remember that, so remind me.

I have a confession, I feel guilty.

This is a completely new emotion for me. For the full course of my life so far, I've avoiding things like regret and guilt.

I ran a thread recently, trying to garner some feedback on getting some version of Linux on my iBook. I settled on Yellow Dog 3.

It took me almost a day to set things up and then install it .. and about 5 minutes to realize just how bad it felt.

Needless to say, my iBook is now OS X only once more.

Who cares how reliable, robust, fast and stable Linux is .. it's a shambles to use, it looks a mess and it's clunky.

Flame all you like, but Linux is going into the same desktop sin bin as Windows.

It might rule on the server and as a development environment, but it bombs on the desktop.

I love my macs more than both my girlfriends big toes .. now that's a lot of good lovin'...
Now I have Airport, I take my iBook all round the house. It's so handy being in the kitchen, and being able to get a recepie at the click of a mouse!

Mail is always open, iTunes always playing. That last battery update means I can get about 5-6 hours without being near a mains socket.
Speaking of speaking, I recorded the spoken names of the various folders in Mail via Voice Box, then saved them out as sound files and added them to the filters I set up in Mail.

So, when I get an email from a client, friend or even this forum, I get it's name spoken to me so I know just where to go...
remember when he went to group therapy for his anger, they used a chant, I guess it's Woo Saaa, not Moo, anyway, then they had a big group hug. Some scenes were on the DVD that weren't in the motion picture. It was just funny as hell.
Urbansory said:
remember when he went to group therapy for his anger, they used a chant, I guess it's Woo Saaa, not Moo, anyway, then they had a big group hug. Some scenes were on the DVD that weren't in the motion picture. It was just funny as hell.

Now I remember! :D