Really Easy Question. Pls Help

Hello matt! good afternoon!

The link you gave doesn't work, but it seems from the URL you're looking at an iBook G4.

Yes, they do come with built-in wireless support. (to make sure, in the list of features there should be an item called "Built-in Airport Extreme".

I think all new Macs come with airport, so you're safe if you are buying a new one.

No, you DON"T need an airport base station, you should be able to use your Linksys router with no hasstles. I, for example, use a Netgear wireless router I bought a couple of years ago ad have never had any problems with it. My macs saw it straight away.
Thnx...I think I am going to buy the iBook in probalby about a month and a half or so...

Anything new to come to the iBook? Maybe get cheeper if they have a new version out..? I would not mind getting the PowerPC would be just fine...

Also, what is the program Terminal for? It's really weird?
Someone know what it is, in plain english?
New intel-based iBooks will be released this year some time, but I wouldn't expect the price of PPC iBooks to drop a great deal (if at all) when it happens.

Terminal is basically like Command Prompt in Windows. It's a command line interface that allows you to do a bazillion things through commands, rather than the "point and click" graphical interface of OS X.