Unemployed Student!
There's a very interesting article from a reader over at
""The LoopRumors reader that thinks Apple should (or could) switch to x86-based processors (Intel Pentiums etc.) is forgetting a very important point:
Apple might be able to change Mac Os-X to run on x86 processors, but non of the existing program's will. You would be unable to run classic mac-apps because there code can only be natively executed by PowerPc processors. This will be the same for Os-X native apps as well. If apple would like to run anything on a x86 processor they would have to emulate all the PowerPC code.
Anyone who has seen a PC run a mac-emulator knows that it will be terribly slow, much slower than any current mac would be. The only other option is to reprogram all applications. But I'm sure that Mac users don't want to buy new versions of all there software again, since they already had to do so to get them to run in OS-X natively in the first place.
Another reason why apple shouldn't use x86 processors is because it would turn the mac into a regular PC. Now this might sound like a good idea performance wise at the moment with the lacking performance of the current G4 chips. BUT if apple starts using the IBM PowerPC 970 and it will run on 2.5 Ghz like IBM says it will then (particularly in a dual-CPU system) the PowerMac will run cycles around any PC workstation, and apple will again have the best performing workstation in the market, like they had when the G4 first came out.
So forget x86 processors they will be obsolete in the near future anyway since there based on CISC technology from the early seventies and there will be a limit to the maximum amount of Ghz that they can squeeze out of them In the near future also Intel and AMD will switch to RISC-based processors, so apple should stick to the PowerPC as well.""
Doesn't this almost clarify that Apple will NOT go x86? I don't think a lot of people would like having to buy software again, like he says.. unless simply a patch is possible for the 0S9-X apps to run on an x86 processor, I think it would be a big mistake.
They should definitely go with the PowerPC 970 !
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""The LoopRumors reader that thinks Apple should (or could) switch to x86-based processors (Intel Pentiums etc.) is forgetting a very important point:
Apple might be able to change Mac Os-X to run on x86 processors, but non of the existing program's will. You would be unable to run classic mac-apps because there code can only be natively executed by PowerPc processors. This will be the same for Os-X native apps as well. If apple would like to run anything on a x86 processor they would have to emulate all the PowerPC code.
Anyone who has seen a PC run a mac-emulator knows that it will be terribly slow, much slower than any current mac would be. The only other option is to reprogram all applications. But I'm sure that Mac users don't want to buy new versions of all there software again, since they already had to do so to get them to run in OS-X natively in the first place.
Another reason why apple shouldn't use x86 processors is because it would turn the mac into a regular PC. Now this might sound like a good idea performance wise at the moment with the lacking performance of the current G4 chips. BUT if apple starts using the IBM PowerPC 970 and it will run on 2.5 Ghz like IBM says it will then (particularly in a dual-CPU system) the PowerMac will run cycles around any PC workstation, and apple will again have the best performing workstation in the market, like they had when the G4 first came out.
So forget x86 processors they will be obsolete in the near future anyway since there based on CISC technology from the early seventies and there will be a limit to the maximum amount of Ghz that they can squeeze out of them In the near future also Intel and AMD will switch to RISC-based processors, so apple should stick to the PowerPC as well.""
Doesn't this almost clarify that Apple will NOT go x86? I don't think a lot of people would like having to buy software again, like he says.. unless simply a patch is possible for the 0S9-X apps to run on an x86 processor, I think it would be a big mistake.
They should definitely go with the PowerPC 970 !
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