Rebooting the finder with a console command?



I have done this before but I have lost the command that does it.

You have to login as sudo in the console and the command ends in RC the mac desktop stays up and you get the mac os x startup logo appear. You can carry on working this restarts all of the network and low level stuff.

Please help
I'll be honest, I'm a little bit confused as to what you want to do. Here's what I can tell ya:

1) to reboot the computer, use this:
sudo shutdown -r now
(correct this if its wrong, unix guru's, please :-)

2) To relaunch the Finder:
a) log out and log back in ;-) pretty easy I think
b) press option-apple-escape. Highlight the finder in the dialogue that follows, and press 'ReLaunch'.
c) In the terminal (like you asked for :D):
resize the window to a much longer horizontal size (this is so grep will find the finder).
ps aux | grep Find
You should see something like:
starbuck 23500   0.0  4.5   117636  29440  ??  S      0:45.48 /System/Library/CoreServices/
starbuck 17740   0.0  0.0     3136     84 std  R+     0:00.01 grep Find
the number 23500 is the PID, or Program IDentifier.
kill -HUP 23500
the -HUP makes the process restart. -9 will make it go away, although the login panel will reload it for you anyway.

Hope that helps, if I'm off base, let me know,
Ok The reason I need to find this command is to show customers how solid Mac OS X is as a system.

This worked a treat as the desktop would stay up and you would see all the verbose stuff appear in the console for a few secs and then the mac startup screen would appear.

At the same time I would have a quicktime demo running and MS Word. My stickies database got screwed so I lost the command : (

its was something like sudo -s sbin/rc
