Rebuilding your OS X desktop in OS 9.x


Don't !

Just a tip folks : When you want to rebuild your desktop (in OS 9) and OS 9 and X are on the same partition : Don't. When they are on different partitions only rebuild your OS 9.x partition.

I rebuilded my OS X partition under OS 9.1 and it messed up all my type and creators in OS X. I rebooted, unaware of what i did, and wanted to open one of my JPG images : Wasn't possible, got an error 2 (this is because i hided the so it would never start again :D . I just hate classic. Just to slow, but anyways... : ) It made all my JPG images to open with Quicktime 4 in OS 9 ! Aaarghhh !

Not only with those JPG's, but with a lot more. It can be solved rather quickly though, but it was still frustrating.

Hope this will prevent some sleepless nights ;)