C cducasse Registered Aug 29, 2005 #1 Does anyone know how to video record what is going on your screen? I have been wanting to record some "how to" sessions for some friends, but don't know how to do it.
Does anyone know how to video record what is going on your screen? I have been wanting to record some "how to" sessions for some friends, but don't know how to do it.
sirstaunch Registered Aug 29, 2005 #2 Try shareware app SnapzProX does a good job Not sure of any freeware apps but search macupdate
symphonix Scratch & Sniff Committee Aug 29, 2005 #3 Yes, I use SnapzProX often for this type of task, and it is unbeatable. Well worth the registration price.
Yes, I use SnapzProX often for this type of task, and it is unbeatable. Well worth the registration price.