recording !!!


hey im a new mac user and im also a voice actor done some small comercials for radio and done some narrotoring in plays etc and some voice actong for Warcraft mods. but now i have a mac and i have no idea what program to use. i need somethign where i can do stuff add sounds and change my voice in the program! please help.
I use Peak, but I also use the old Sound Edit 16 in Classic, just a great app. I use Final Cut for some edits as well. There are a lot of apps out there, and i don't know much on them since those apps i mentioned work for me.
I use Amadeus II for all my recording. Great piece of software, also allows you to split any sound into seperate files or join several files into one. But I think Final Cut Pro 4 has sound mixing or sth like that?

More info on Amadeus II
