recovering lost files


Bad: I accindent deleted a directory full of imporant files.

Worse: I used "sudo rm -rfd" to empty the trash

Is there ANYTHING i can do?

ps i dont use any filesaver software.
boy, this time you really have done something crazy, you silly norsk;)

you may still be able to get them back but you are going to need a file recovery utility like techtool pro or norton utilities. there may be others but these are the 2 i know. TTP is my choice if you are forced to buy one or the other.

good luck on this one buddy:)
Ed, you said it!

that sucks.

I am interest to know if rm'ing files removes them in the same way the finder would have. Please tell us of your success (or lack-there-of)
wow...40min and I got all these replies.
I love this forum, thanks for the help guys you are always helpful in emergency times.
well once more good luck and let me just say that some people deserve quicker responses than others. ;)
I made the same boneheaded mistake. Trying to do too much maintenance too quickly. I'll post news of any successful recovery attempts.