Recruiting Translators

Captain Code

Staff member
I'm looking for people to translate our IRC chat application into any and all possible languages.

What I need:
People who speak another language fluently. Preferably the language is your first language.

What I don't need:
Babblefishers. I want this to be as good as possible, and I could go to babblefish myself(it'd just take a while), and translate all the words.

What you will get:
I'll send you numerous "string" files which contain english strings such as this

/* Nickname */
"Nickname" = "Nickname";
/* OK */
"OK" = "OK";

You will translate the part on the right side of the equals sign to the language you are translating to.

Those 2 examples are about as simple as they get. There are a few that are multiple sentances long, and therefore your grammer must be pretty good so the translation doesn't look bad ;)

The total translation work isn't very much, and shouldn't take more than 10 or 15 mins if you are fluent in what you are translating to.

In the future, I may ask for a few more things to be translated, but you are not under any obligation to do it if you are busy or don't feel like doing it any more.

I'll collect names, and by this Friday, Sept 19th, I'll send out the strings files to the people selected.

If many people volunteer for the same position, for a more commonly spoken language, such as French, I'll try and split it up between those that volunteer.

More details will be given to the volunteers on Friday.

I will give credit in the application's help window if you would like, or if you would like to remain anonymous that's ok too.

All interested parties, please email me at with the language(s) you are willing to translate for.

You can email me after Friday, but I'm going to wait till I get at least a few people before sending out the files, so that's why I say I'll wait until Friday.

Thanks to all who volunteer :)
I could name you a few people that you could ask specifically. Not everybody is the kind to click on new threads, so you might have to specifically ask people.
Well, I'd be happy to do Norwegian for you. Just a bit of warning, either it's gonna be a comedy or most of those things won't be translated at all. "OK" is kinda international, and so are other terms...

But mail/PM me the strings and I'll send them back to you translated as soon as possible.
Thanks voice. Those 2 strings I posted are just examples. There are more things that will need translation, and are a bit longer than "OK" ;)

I'll email the files tonight to everyone that has responded so far.
Files have been emailed to the 4 that have volunteered so far.

Here's what we have so far:
toast-I assume French ;)

Thanks for everyone's help, and if you would still like to help, drop me an email at or PM me here.
I would recommend Tarambana or Scott Bernard for Spanish, and Hulkaros or TzeisKeik for Greek. You might also ask Legacy4b for a Japanese translation.
What about PDS? He's in Africa, so he might have a connection to Swahili or something.