reformating + reinstalling; but what to copy?


I have to reformat my hardrive (so unhappy) and reinstall my 10.4.1 and update back to 10.4.4 -- can i just use the 10.4.4 combo to update?
But after I have done this, what files, preferences, information do I copy over?
My documents, of course... but what about certain preferences?
I only have to reinstall my non-apple applications, right?
My biggest problem at the moment is a very messed up font issue, can I simply delete apple's FontBook?! How do I not clog up the system with all of the apple installed fonts? (where I began the trouble that I'm trying to recover?)
I backed up my drive yesterday and am trying to make sure I don't forget something important... please send any recommendations for this! Thanks.
Apple's installed fonts don't clog up your system.... there really aren't very many of them. Installing MS Office puts more fonts on your system than Apple includes with the OS. And even then, it's well within tolerance.

Where one can run into problems is installing several hundred fonts from an untrusted source.

What exactly is happening that makes you think you are having font-related system issues?