region 2 dvds


Can I play a region 2 dvd?

i have a powerbook g4; in the extension I found DVD Region Manager, Apple DVD Software 2.3.1 but don't know what this means.

I want to bid on DVD on eBay from England but it's region 2.

Any help will be appreciated.
I believe that even without tampering with system files, you are allowed to change the region code of your Mac's DVD player app 5 times. After that, it becomes permanent.

I'm pretty sure that if you insert a disc with a different region code than you've played before, you'll be asked if you want to change it, then warned about how many changes you have left.

I have no idea where or how these region codes are stored. They may well be in a PROM chip in the drive. I know of no way to increase the number of region changes permitted.
True. I would not want to risk using any firmware hacks to have more switches to the regions. If you want more switches/movies, get a cheap world dvd player. (1 place to start a search:

VLC might also allow you to view the dvd without the switch. Search for it in (and for dvd region code in this board).

Macs also set the region only when you use it for the first time with a region coded dvd). So even if your mac is from US (region 1 area), if the first dvd you view is european (reg. 2) it will (ask to be) set to region 2 (or whatever the 1st seen dvd is).
To sum up: yes, you'll be able to view a region 2 DVD on your Powerbook, but it will cost one of your 5 changes to view it, plus one to go back to region 1 (I presume you're in the US, which is region 1). So only do it if you don't watch many DVD's of different regions.