Reinstalling X, partitioning question


Just me :)
I've got a new LCD iMac 700 MHZ, 60 GB HDD. In another topic I read that completely REINSTALLING OS X could give me a severe performance gain. So I'm willing to try.

My question:
How do I partition? Is this done during Installation? I never installed MacOS... (I just came from the PC World). And how should I partition? Is a seperate swap partition on the same HDD going to give me extra performance? Maybe also a /Users partition?

So please give me your suggestions on fs layout!

Also, do I need to install MacOS 9 first to be able to use Classic in MacOS X????? Or is it installed during OS X installation???
Reinstalling won't give you any speed improvement.
Pre-binding is all you will get, but you can do that without reinstalling.

Check start up software-update (in the prefs) and update to MacOS 10.1.5. The optimization process at the end of the installation is called pre-binding.
You can achieve this with a command from the terminal as well...

As for Classic, yes, you need to install OS9 if it's not installed already. Don't bother unless you really need it.

Just pop in your OS9 cd, boot keeping the "c" key pressed and your Mac will boot from the installation cd. Follow the instructions.
I think the idea behind partioning a large drive is to reduce seek time so the file system can find files faster.

Partitioning will destroy all data on the drive, so if you want to partition now would be a good time, as you have little data on your disk.

I seldom use classic anymore and when jaguar comes out i will ditch it completly. But if you are going to partition your drive then install a minimum install of OS9, then install OS X, otherwise the OS9 installer gets confused about where to put files as there is already a system folder on the disk.

If you wanted to you could put OS 9 on a small partition say, 1-2 GB, then you can choose which system you start up by holding down option at startup.

But for what its worth, i probably wouldnt bother repartitioning your disk. I dont know how much of a performance gain there would be. Maybe someone else can comment...

how ever there are more important things...
right now there is a good game of soccer about to start (turkey/brazil)
by the way,

if you want to redo the prebindings type this into terminal

sudo update_prebinding -root /

then it will ask you for your password. For more information search for update prebinding. There must be heaps of posts relating to this
Im the guy who re-installed and posted that thread. I did experience a speed increase, but only because I believe my system wasnt working properly the first time. OS X is NOT currently the snappiest OS, but after re-installing I realized it was much more tolerable than I first thought.

Do not re-install unless you feel your system is really, really giving you problems.

I re-partitioned in OS9 with a tool called FWB hard disk toolkit. It re-partitions without whiping your disk, providing you have say...1 large partition, say 50 gigs....with 20 gigs of free space. You can cut a partition out of that 20 gigs just fine.

Partitioning is a good idea just to have a safer, separate area of your disk to back up to, or experiment on [like I do]. But I dont suggest re-installing OS X unless you really want to go through the effort for possibly nothing.

Hope this helps.
4 Partitions

*first partition on the disk* swap file is stored here, internet cache, temp folder for InDesign, Scratch folder for Photoshop, Illustrator and other apps that create big temp files

OS X 10.1.5 loaded with all OS X Apps

Not OS X Classic but OS 9.2.2 with OS 9 loaded Apps. that can boot up by itself.

OS X Users folders are stored here and all client work that is being done

And then a 20gb FireWire Drive that has OS X with Dantz Retrospect for backups and reinstalls of OS X. I can erase the OS X partition without affecting any client work
does the installer ask me about partitioning during the installation?
I mean, if I just backup my data to a CDR, popin the OS 9 CD and boot from it... will it ask me about partitioning my disks?? Or do I have to use some key-combo to achieve this? Or a third party tool??
You can boot up from an OS 9 CD [not hard drive]
Run drive setup and you can setup your partitions there.

I think you can access Disk First Aid on the OS X install CD before you install the OS. Disk First Aid has Drive Setup incorporated into it now so you may be able to do it that way.