I fished that from a mac-news page, and thought I'd share. 
(Translated, the source is www.macnews.de)
Aspyr announced that Doom 3 will be released and shipped next February. It will be one of the first titles that will only run on G5 macs. The port is done by ID software themselfs. The Game only runs on the yet to be released OS X 10.3.6, at least 52 MB RAM, Radeon 8500/Geforce 3 with at least 32 MB, and a G5 CPU of 1.6 GHz and more. The game is shipped on a DVD. THe price will be around 50 US-$

(Translated, the source is www.macnews.de)
Aspyr announced that Doom 3 will be released and shipped next February. It will be one of the first titles that will only run on G5 macs. The port is done by ID software themselfs. The Game only runs on the yet to be released OS X 10.3.6, at least 52 MB RAM, Radeon 8500/Geforce 3 with at least 32 MB, and a G5 CPU of 1.6 GHz and more. The game is shipped on a DVD. THe price will be around 50 US-$