Remote Access on Boot Camp Partition


I was digging through the forums and came up with the same question in 2002...ha.

Well, ok, let's update it.

I have mac OSX 10.4 (I believe that is the latest) on an Intel chip, with bootcamp and XP Pro running in full mode not virtual.

I canNOT remote desktop into my profile (tom) in XP for some reason. I have also added 'tom' as a user who can log in remotely also to see if that can fix it.

I CAN however, log in as 'administrator' - which really doesn't help if I want to check my emails and other programs open in my profile.

Now we can blame Vista Business, as that is what I'm using to log in from my laptop in the dining room, but I doubt it as I can log into my Win2K3 server or the other (real) XP machine on the network from it.

Any suggestions besides getting rid of Vista and XP ;-)
The latest being the one with Time Machine. 10.5?

Just to clairfy, the imac is running in full XP reboot mode, not Parallels or vm type setting inside of osx.
Personally, I don't think this problem is Mac- or BootCamp-specific. I'd guess it's a problem with your Windows installation and/or configuration. It _is_ Windows XP Professional, we're talking about, right? Not "Home" or anything...

Maybe you'd be better off asking this on a Windows forum. (Just a thought.) I haven't run into the problem myself and haven't heard of such problems from customers, that's why I wouldn't guess it'd be Mac/BootCamp-related.
thanks. but not sure of the reasoning. I did say it was Windows PRO in my post btw and this is happening on an imac bootcamp.

So possibly a windows issue, then again only happening on the imac. What I will do is reboot into osx and run paralleles and see if I can log into that xp pro.

If i can, then this will be your first time you heard it i guess eh?
Ok here's the run down, just tried it on a 5 machine combination:
- They all have XP Pro's loaded (legally also)
- They all have 'tom' as registered login (admin is by default).
- Native XP/2003 machines can log into each other no problem. Bootcamp/Parallel machines can't allow any inward connections, but they can connect outward to other XP machines.

UPDATE: Now the Administrator cannot login, I used to do that as alternative. Will try to figure out what happened, unless it is an Apple update that screwed things up.

Computer Layout:
1. Server1 - running Windows 2003 on separate domain (digitals) alone.
-Rest of the machines are on a P2P workgroup named tomax7.
2. HP3 - running XP Pro
3. tom8b imac - running XP Pro both in bootcamp and in Parallels v4
4. bevmacxp imac - running XP Pro on Parallels v3
5. IBM Thinkpad running Vista Business

- 'Connect remotely' means using the XP built-in remote log-in software
- 'Share' means connect over the network to shared folder on another machine
- 'Remote' is XP built in software
- 'Parallels' is 3rd party software running XP Pro in OSX.
- 'Parallels' is installed on two imacs and two versions, 3 and 4.
- Everything done in Windows XP either in Parallels, Bootcamp, or native installation.

-Can NOT connect from hp3/server1/vista to either imacs which are either in bootcamp or parallels. Can connect however to shared folders on the imac machines.

-Can NOT connect from imac/parallel to the other imac/parallel in xp, but can connect to their shared folders.

-Can connect remotely to either HP3, IBM, or Server1 from and to themselves

-Can connect remotely from either imac/xp 'outwards' to HP3 and Server1. (Didn't try IBM)

I still think this is an apple issue seeing the inward connection problem is with both the boot camp and Parallel programs on the imacs.

Sidenote, I know there was a problem trying to connect from OSX to Server1 from OSX without allowing it in Windows2003 gpedit.msc policy.

Any ideas? Could be a 'windows' thing, but is there a built-in apple application program like remote I can try?

oh, yes, 'tom' is also a registered user on every machine from osx to xp. all logged in as tom too.
Error message:
This computer can't connect to the remote computer.

Remote Desktop cannot find the remote computer. Type the computer name or IP address again, and then try connecting. If the problem continues, contact the owner of the remote computer or your network administrator.

- I tried calling my wife, but she gave me a dirty look.

Update: Got it to work in Bootcamp!

Reset my XP password and it is working, but not in OSX/Parallels still, will check on that next. But I guess the moral of this story is try resetting one's password?
Found out Parallel's uses 10.x.x.x IP addresses. Another reason why I can't remote log in because the rest of the network is 192.168.x.x.

I think.

But then how come I can remote from Parallels into my HP3 machine? I have to try and change the IPs to match and see if that fixes things.

Ah, well at least bootcamp remote is working.
Think of the 10.x.x.x network as a bubble within your 192.168.x.x bubble. 192.168.x machines can see other 192.168.x machines online. From the 10.x "machine", you can connect to the outside. Just like anyone on the internet can't just type in your 192.168.x.x address and connect to your machine directly, the 10.x virtual Parallels machine can't be reached by the 192.x machines directly.
...ah thanks fryke.

Yeah, I figured because those are public IP addresses they can't cross a router, but what confused me is how they (the parallel emulation 10.x) can talk to computers on my network (the 192.168.x) and not vicaversa.

But then again how can I connect from every machine to the parallels shared folders on the network?

Meaning, I can connect from the 192.x addressed (HP3, Server1, IBM/Vista) to the (10.x) Parallel XP's public shared folders like one I called Temp?

So this could be a Parallels issue. Will check on their boards next.

Crap, thought I had this figured out ;-)

(Just to clarify, not insult - Public IP= 10.x.x.x, 172.16-31.x.x, 192.168.x.x where x=1-154. Private IP is those purchased and can cross a router. Using TCP/IP as native protocol also.)
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