remote directory in finder? (webserver)


While watching a 'drupal video screencast' I noticed that in his finder he had a link for 'webserver' and was actively adding and deleting updated files to the directory by dragging the files to the finder link rather than using an ftp client?
Also, he opened the link and looked like a typical finder window.
Is this something I can do? I use osx panther.

Perhaps he was using the local webserver on the machine he was working on?

Please don't cross-post. One post in one section is enough.
A web server with WebDAV enabled allows this, I do it all the time with a Linux server.

I can save directly to the server from any app and I maintain Subversion working copies on the server via a WebDAV connection.

iDisk is a WebDAV connection so it's easy to understand why it works. WebDAV has gotten very good in the last couple versions of 10.4, I think it was 10.4.6 which gave it a nice bump in speed.
sweet... thanks. I'll look into webdav

sorry about the double post - wasn't sure if it was 'networking' or 'general'.

I was able to get something to work by going to the ftp address in safari - it mounted and I was able to browse but when i went to upload i was told the DIR couldn't be modified?

i thought i was on to it!
Finder ftp is read only. You can get to that from the Go Menu in Finder.

Go -> Connect to server (Command K).

Plug in the server name, user and password.

Same thing for WebDAV but WebDAV is read/write.